I am an Associate Professor in the School of Government at the Adolfo Ibáñez University. I am also Adjunct Researcher in the Centre for Social Conflict and Cohesion Studies (COES).
I specialize in comparative politics, political behavior, and social movements. I am interested in the causes and effects of political participation, particularly in the relationship between institutional politics and society. In my research, I use both qualitative and quantitative methods.
I am a native of Santiago, Chile, and have studied in the United States and Italy. I received a B.A. in Political Science and Italian from the University of Notre Dame (2011) and a Ph.D. in Government from the University of Texas at Austin (2017). I have fieldwork experience in the United States, Mexico, Peru, and Chile. I previously worked at Temuco Catholic University (2017-2022) and the University of Santiago de Chile (2022-2024).
ANID and COES have supported my research.
My CV can be found here.