Latin American Studies Association (LASA) Congress
- Boston, USA. May, 2019: “The Nearness of Youths: Spatial and Temporal Effects of Student Protests on Public Opinion in Chile”. To be presented in May 2019.
- Barcelona, Spain. May 2018: “Defining the Repertoire of Contention in Latin America and Peru.”
- San Juan, Puerto Rico. May, 2015: “Policies, Politics, and Protests: Explaining Student Movements in Latin America.”
Chilean Congress of Political Science
- Santiago, Chile. October, 2018: “Debt and its Discontents: The Effects of Financialization on Political Behavior” (coauthored con Felipe González, U. Central).
- Santiago, Chile. October, 2018: “Educación cívica y opiniones sobre participación política en escolares chilenos” (coauthored with Roberto Mardones, UCT).
- Pucón, Chile, October 2016: "Explicando el Tamaño de los Eventos de Protesta: Evidencia de Protestas Estudiantiles Latinoamericanas.”
- Santiago, Chile. October, 2014: “From the classrooms to the streets: Explaining student mobilization in Chile.”
Latin American Congress of Political Science (ALACIP)
- Montevideo, Uruguay. July, 2017: “Policies, Parties, and Protests: The Political Economy of Student Protests”.
Other Presentations
- Chile, en Busca de un Nuevo Pacto Social. Cuestión de Poder. NTN24. Bogotá, Colombia. October, 2020.
- "Proceso Constituyente y Derecho a la Educación Superior ¿cómo es y cómo aspiramos que sea?" Presented at the Seminar "Proceso Constituyente: ¿Qué Sociedad Queremos Construir?" Organized by Universidad Austral and G9. Valdivia, Chile. September, 2020.
- Discussant at Congreso Futuro Araucanía. Temuco, Chile. January, 2020
- "Determinantes de la Implementación de la Participación Ciudadana Local: Evidencia de las Comunas Chilenas." Presented at the ICHEM Workshop. Santiago, Chile, April 2019 (coauthored with Edgar Rebolledo, UCT).
- “What is ‘more’ mobilization? Assessing the differential effect of party linkages on different dimensions of social mobilization.” Presented at the Conference “Redefining Political Sociology.” Santiago, Chile. December, 2017.
- "Aún masivas? Explicando el tamaño de las protestas estudiantiles terciarias en América Latina." Presented at the International Seminar "Desafíos al Estado: ¿Nuevos actores políticos y económicos en América Latina?" Santiago, Chile. March, 2016.
- “Movilización estudiantil en América Latina: partidos, políticas y protestas.” Presented at the Instituto de Estudios Peruanos Mesa Verde. Lima, Peru. April, 2015.
- “Políticas Públicas, Política y Protestas: Explicando la Movilización Estudiantil en América Latina.” Presented at the Advanced Graduate Workshops, Centre for Social Conflict and Cohesion Studies Seminar “Legitimacy and Collective Action”. Santiago, Chile. November, 2014.